
David & Megan, Wychmere Beach Club, Harwich

David and Megan enjoyed the most wonderful weather one could ask for during their special wedding service

conducted on the lawn of the Wychmere Beach Club in Harwich, MA. Looking like a princess as her dad walked her across the lawn, Megan was all smiles - so full of joy as she processed up the aisle where David and his groomsmen and I

stood waiting. David gazed at her with such a loving look in his eyes; It's always touching when the father gives the bride away to her groom.

Megan's sister, Laura, gave a custom reading for this lovely couple, and Dave's sister, Kate, did a second reading. Laura's last statement in her reading summarized the essence of marriage: "But a marriage made in heaven is one where a man and a woman become more richly themselves together than the chances are either of them could ever have managed to become alone".

And Kate's custom reading focussed on the metaphor of how nature reflects our commitments to life and one another:

"The trees in the storm don't try to stand up straight and tall and erect. They allow themselves to bend and to be blown with the wind. They understand the power of letting go... learn the power of the trees. Let it flow. Let it go..."

Custom marriage vows and rings were exchanged, and a special sea shell ceremony was performed at the conclusion of the service:

Megan and David placed their shells in the glass container situated at the end of the aisle. In like fashion, the family and friends were asked to make a wish or blessing for happiness and good will for the couple for the future of their marriage and placed their shells in the container as they recessed. With the combining of the shells, Megan and David symbolically joined their once separate lives. All that was once separate would be shared, and in this sharing the couple would both find strength and joy together as they forge a new life's path and destination.

With the delivery of special readings, the sharing of vows and the exchange of rings, I then pronounced Megan and David to be "husband and wife". With much enthusiasm and pure glee, they both raised their arms in the air in joyful celebration!

Congratulations to Megan and David! I feel blessed to have been a part of your special wedding ceremony. May you often feel such joy as you begin your new life journey together.

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